Saturday, September 30, 2006

Sept. 25th

Yeah…that mattress made a HUGE difference. I actually woke up refreshed! ..Somewhat. I’ve never had a good night’s sleep. Ever. I mean really…I think back on my days and…I always wake up feeling worse than when I went to sleep, and then have to work toward feeling better throughout the day, only to have it destroyed by another round of sleep. The only time this doesn’t happen is when I’m sick or injured. Drug induced sleep, or healing sleep always makes things better, but that’s nothing to be proud of. This is why I hate sleep, avoid naps, and…wish they’d invent some pill that lets your body rest without actually shutting down. I’d sit still for 8 hours rather than have to pull myself from that pit of slumber every morning.

Anyway, I woke up feeling not as bad as usual, but totally forgot to buy milk, so breakfast was kinda…not what it should’ve been. And I was later than usual to work. Still early, but…later than usual. And…CRAP, I just realized I forgot to turn on the dryer in my shower to dry out the clothes I hung up in there. Arg. That’s just annoying, man…. Yeah, today’s startin’ off great. I’m a lot slower in my classes, too. I’m sure it’s getting on Mrs. Sick Teacher’s nerves, but she seems to laugh at it.

I think it’s time I found something to add to my life here. Right now, all I do is work, eat, sleep, and go hang with friends. …Wait, that’s exactly what I did in America. For half the year, I was working out/getting dreadlocks started. Then, I had the Japan goal to fill in the emptiness. I think my mind has gotten too used to filling the day, and now, I’m totally unable to enjoy the slow passage of time. Not good. Not good at all. I think it’s time for me to start reading and writing again. Yep…that’s what I must do. And no, this journal doesn’t count.


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