Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Constipation of the Brain

So I realize that disappeared from this blog for a very, very long time. What, like...two years? I had my reasons, I suppose, the most obvious being I was crazy busy, and my school stopped letting me bring my computer to school. Another was that I started dating someone, and anyone with any scruples wouldn't type their girlfriend's business all over their blog. I'm still with her, and she's pushing me to write more.

But one thing most people don't consider is what it's like not to get to use your language freely for a few years. Normally, people meet friends, do a lot of small talk, make horrible jokes... Basically you just let your mouth run. This is a wonderful thing, because it clears out your brain.

Now...imagine you had to spend the day using a set group of words and sentence patterns. No gestures, no sound effects. Just 500 words, and no sentences longer than ten words. Most likely, you'd end up diluting all your ideas and sentences to the point that you'd only be communicating 5% of what you really want to say. That means the other 95% just piles up.

Now, imagine doing that for a few years.

What happens? I'll tell you what. You learn that it's really not necessary to communicate so much. You learn that most of the things you want to say are just filler. And maybe...that is true, but writing journals and stuff honestly seems like a waste of time. But the funny part? When you do finally meet someone who you can talk to, all the build up just comes pouring out...but you don't know how to organize it or even keep it entertaining!

That's where I am now. I gotta clear out all the junk in my head so that my thoughts can flow more freely. I often find that I'll have ideas that I would have been able to flesh out into a well thought blog entry 5 years ago. Now, I just tuck them away, hoping that I'll get to use them later.

So, forgive me when these meaningless posts pop up. I'll try my best to keep it from happening too much.


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