Monday, February 13, 2012

A friend of mine recently mentioned a new zombie romance movie called "Warm Bodies". Now...personally, I never thought I'd see the word "zombie" teamed up with the word "romance", but I guess it was the next logical step what with all the horror-romance movies coming out. From what I can gather, the zombie-man absorbs the memories of the people's brains he eats. So he kills one guy, makes a meal of it, and, via absorbed memories, proceeds to fall in love with his dinner's girlfriend.

Yeah, you read that right.

My friend then asked, "Why would anyone want to watch that?" So, I had to think about it for a minute or two. Then suddenly, I remembered I little quote I saw somewhere: "Every boy wants a good girl who will be bad just for him. Every girl wants a bad boy who will be good just for her." And there it is. The underlying truth in all these horror-romance movies.

I spoke to my sister about it, as she's much wiser than I am, and she pointed out that it's not exactly a new trend. It just used to be more...subtle. She pointed out a few stories, like Gone With the Wind and Wuthering Heights, neither of which I've ever managed to finish, but I think I know what she means. And...I gotta say. She's right.

So, that little quote seems to be true, but I'm glad they used the terms "boy" and "girl". Makes me feel like people can grow out of such silliness. But it does make for good storytelling.

The question on my mind is...should I take advantage of this shameful truth, or should I try to go against the grain, and point out what it does to men and women alike? Or perhaps both? I want people to enjoy my stories, but man...I couldn't enjoy writing something even remotely related to Twilight and all those other blood-sucking bodice-rippers...

Don't think I'll be selling my soul to that particular devil just yet.


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