Sunday, February 12, 2012

Kids say the darnedest things...

Contrary to what Hollywood would have you think, kids don't usually say anything of any consequence, and the wisdom they impart on one another is usually foolishness or simply (mis)quoted from someone else, but they do tend to ask questions that bring out the best in adults... I need to remember that.

I was just reading about how it's bad to put kids in films.'s true, unless you write them as they are: humans in training. Having them bust out with sage-like awesomeness every five minutes is just...bad. Mostly because no kid would even know how to phrase sagely stuff.

The recent increase in super-smart youths is probably Nickelodeon's fault, and it seems to surprise people when real children just aren't as witty as their fictional counterparts. Being out here, away from the jaded American screenwriters, I hear kids ask questions that really make me think about how I present the world to them, and how I act around them.

So...I think fictional kids should drive adult characters with those embarrassing questions they tend to ask.

Or maybe that's just American kids...

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